Monday, September 24, 2007

Watts Reading Response

Watts thesis is that there is something out there in the world that will help us figure out the meaning of life, but it is so hard to grasp that it is almost taboo. (pg. 6 para. 3)

Watts views religion as a social institution that used to help men discover truthes about the universe. He thinks that in this day and age those truths are not as relevant as they used to be. (pg.4-5 para. 2-3)

Watts believes that since we are a part of nature, it is wrong to insist that humans "conquer" nature. In order to conquer something you must come from beyond, but humans come from inside the universe. (pg. 8-9 para. 3-1)

Watts believes that the new experience a new understanding of what humanity is. 9pg.11 para. 2)

Watts believe that myths are stories where we use symbols in an attempt to teach about human existance. They should just be look upon as symbols. (pg.s 12-13 para. 2-1)

Watts says that we must train ourselves to think in terms of more than just an ego. it will just take practice. (pg. 20-21 para. 2)

Watts claims that people are just flashes of energy that are forms of the higher being. (pg. 12 para. 1) In 1984 the Party views itself the same way. The people are not the reprentaions of power. The Party holds all of the power and does not need any titles or special lineages. The Party takes anyone and everyone, in an attempt continue on. Their is no hereditary passing on of power, only the Party.

1 comment:

Rory said...


For some reason I just saw this. Comments to come later.
